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SFA 5th Seminar - 虛實交融|AR&VR跨域革新創商機


【5th SFA 研討會: 虛實交融|AR&VR跨域革新創商機】

📌 立即報名:

🔮 擴增實境(AR)與虛擬實境(VR)快速地改變著我們的世界!在工業、醫療、教育甚至是娛樂領域,都能看到它們的身影。想了解如何將 AR/VR 技術應用於你的業務中,開創無限商機🚀?千萬不要錯過即將舉辦的 AR&VR 研討會!

想象一下💭,透過 AR/VR 技術,顧客可以在購物時體驗沉浸式的虛擬試衣間👗,房地產公司可以為客戶提供身臨其境的虛擬房屋參觀🏠,醫生可以在遠程手術中得到更加真實的操作感受💉,教育工作者可以為學生創造出生動有趣的虛擬教室🎓。這些都已經不再是遙不可及的夢想,而是即將成為現實的商機🤩!

在數碼化與科技快速演進的時代,了解 AR/VR 技術的發展趨勢及如何將其應用於各行業成為至關重要的一步🌟。無論你是創業者、企業家還是對科技充滿興趣的人士,這次研討會都將為你帶來全新的視角與思考。

💡三位業界專家將會為你深入探討主題「AR&VR跨域革新創商機」,分享最新的技術趨勢、成功案例以及如何將 AR/VR 技術融入各行業。📣 不要猶豫,立即報名參加這次研討會,一起探索潛藏在這些創新技術中的無限商機吧✨



Mr. Luke Chu - Chairman of HKIECA

Ms. Felicia Hartono - Creative Director of MGV Innovation

Ms. Doris Zhao - General Manager of Regional Business Development of NetDragon


Mr. Keith Tsa - Director & Co-Founder of AppTask




地點:騰訊眾創空間 香港觀塘鴻圖道75號KOHO 6樓






English :

【5th SFA Seminar: AR&VR | Cross-domain innovation creates business opportunities】

Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are rapidly changing our world! They can be found in industry, healthcare, education, and even entertainment. How can we apply AR/VR technology to business and open up unlimited opportunities 🚀? Don't miss the upcoming AR&VR seminar!

Imagine 💭 With AR/VR technology, customers can experience an immersive virtual fitting room while shopping 👗 Real estate companies can offer immersive virtual home tours to their clients 🏠 Doctors can get a more realistic feel during remote surgeries 💉, educators can create virtual classrooms that are fun and interactive for students🎓. These are no longer unattainable dreams, but will soon become real business opportunities🤩!

In an era of digitalization and rapid technological advancement, it is crucial to understand the trends of AR/VR technology and how it can be applied in various industries 🌟. Whether you are an entrepreneur or someone with a passion for technology, this seminar will bring you a new perspective and a new way of thinking.

Three industry experts will share the latest technology trends, success stories, and how to integrate AR/VR technology into various industries, as they discuss the theme "AAR&VR | Cross-domain innovation creates business opportunities". 📣 Don't hesitate to register for this seminar to explore the potential opportunities in these innovative technologies ✨



Mr. Luke Chu - Chairman of HKIECA

Ms. Felicia Hartono - Creative Director of MGV Innovation

Ms. Doris Zhao - General Manager of Regional Business Development of NetDragon


Mr. Keith Tsa - Director & Co-Founder of AppTask


Date: April 27, 2023 (Thursday)

Time: 3 pm-5 pm

Venue: 6/F, KOHO, 75 Hung To Rd, Kwun Tong, Tencent WeStart





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