Dr Ray Li
李銳 博士
QFOC 量子財金首席顧問
李銳 PhD. CPA.
QFOC 量子財金首席顧問
AAMA亚杰 (珠三角) 协会资深会员
近 30 年國際企業財務、戰略諮詢、金融市場經驗。曾領導平安集團財務資金管理(2017-2023),包括全集團 9家上市企業和 20 多家非上市金融、科技、健康板塊成員公司,總資產達 1.5 萬億美元,年收入超 1500 億美元。期間出任陸金所(NYSE:LU)、壹帳通(NYSE:OCFT)、平安信託、平安證券、平安科技、平安金服等多家公司董事及戰略、財務、風險委員會主席。曾擔任順豐速運國際業務副總裁-首席市場官、首席財務官,管理業務與財務團隊覆蓋 9 個國家和地區。並曾在全球諮詢公司為中國、美國、加拿大、英國、日本等世界 500 強和科創企業提供戰略管理諮詢。
中國上市公司協會第二屆財務總監委員會委員、財政部會計資訊化專家委員會委員、財政部準則專家顧問小組委員、中國保險行業協會財會專業委員會委員、中國稅務學會理事等。ISM 國際管理學院金融學博士、美國明尼蘇達州立大學工商管理碩士(MBA)及會計學學士,美國註冊會計師 (AICPA)和全球特許管理會計師(CGMA)。
目前專注於戰略、財務與金融方向的諮詢、研究和教學工作,涉及市場准入、生物科技、人工智慧等領域,助力中國企業“走出去”,將海外技術與資本“引進來”。2011-2014 年曾在香港大學中國商學院教授《量化分析與投資管理》、《企業財金與資本預算》課程;2023 年起受邀開發並教授《人工智慧與財金管理》、《財務戰略與資產管理》、《財富投資與風險應對》課程。
Ray Li PhD. CPA.
Chief Advisor, QFOC
Adjunct Associate Professor of Corporate Finance, The University of Hong Kong
Board Director, public and start-up companies
Former Group Finance Director and Executive Committee Member, PingAn Group
Former VP, Chief Marketing Officer / Chief Financial Officer, SF International Business
Charter Member, AAMA (PRD)
With closed to 30 years of global corporate finance, strategy advisory and financial market experience, Dr Li led the finance and treasury management at PingAn Group (2007-2023), overseeing 9 listed companies and over 20 unlisted financial, technology, and healthcare subsidiaries, which contributed USD1.5 trillion in total assets and USD150 billion in revenue. He served as a board director for several companies, including Lufax Holdings (NYSE: LU), OneConnect Financial Technology (NYSE: OCFT), PingAn Trust, PingAn Securities, PingAn Technology, and PingAn Insurance Financial Services. Prior to that, he held positions
as Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer, and CFO of SF Express International, managing business and finance teams in 9 countries. In addition, He has provided management consulting services to Fortune 500 and fast-growing start-up companies in China, US, Canada, UK, Japan and others.
Dr Li has served as a member of CFO Committee of the China Association of Public
Companies under the China’s Securities and Regulatory Commission (CBIRC), Finance
Digitisation Advisory Committee and Financial Standards Advisory Group under the
Ministry of Finance (MOF), Finance and Accounting Advisory Committee of the China
Banking and Insurance Committee (CBIRC), and the Council of the China Tax Institute of
the State Taxation Administration (STA). He holds a Ph.D. in Finance from the
International School of Management, an MBA and a bachelor’s degree in accounting from
Minnesota State Universities. He is a proud member of the American Institute of Certified
Public Accountant (AICPA) and Chartered Global Management Accountants (CGMA).
Currently, Dr. Li is primarily focusing on strategic and financial advisory, research, and
teaching in the areas of cross-border market entry, biotech, AI and other, empowering
business “reaching out and inviting-in”. In 2011, he has lectured executive training
courses on "Quantitative Analysis and Investment Management" and "Corporate Finance
and Capital Budgeting" at Institute for China Business of the University of Hong Kong.
Since 2023, he has been lecturing courses on “AI in Financial Management”, "Financial
Strategy and Asset Management", “Wealth, Investment and Risk Management”.